feel free to shop here stories bracelets and earnings coming the stories are still gonna have to be written come back my portfolio will be made soon

jumbo image 😀 thank you so much if you purchase thank you
storie 1 on how i stared clay bead bracelets
it was at a sleepover at my bffl/best friend for life.so i was helping her look for some thing in her room then i found it then we went down to her basement and then i MADE THEM BY HAND my hands were hurting so much but the next time we went to her house she had an electric bead spinner i used it and i loved then on my 11 bday my mom and dad got me my own clay beads then last month /January i asked my mom for a bead spinner well Ive been begging for one when my bffl showed me hers i had the choice of an electric one or a not electric one and i got it then it got didn’t come in for 3 or 4 days and then it came when me and my two sisters were outside playing while my parents were vacuuming inside then jasmine or paisleigh was in the front yard then she yelled its here so i ran and grabbed it then ran inside then my mom kicked me back out side don’t worry cus i was meant to be playing out side soooo don’t blame me i wanted to use it but i had to wait /play another hour outside so it came with two needles but i broke them both in the first two days and i got seed beads form it so like a like a month later i was able to get 100 or more dollars worth of seed beads and a spoon and a some more needles and that till today 2/2025/19.